The Rose, year 2003 Taiwanese Drama, is an adaptation from Bara no Tameni manga by Yoshimura Akemi. I have reviewed the manga a long time ago.. at first I didn't know that they have made out a drama over this manga. But then, even though after I knew the drama exists, it still didn't manage to provoke me to watch it, no matter how much I love the manga because I don't really like the lead actress, Ella from S.H.E. She played Bai He. But yesterday, while browsing thru, I decided to give The Rose a try, and I was very excited and shocked to see my favorite Taiwanese actor, Joe Cheng is in the drama, as my favorite character in the manga, Aoi-san!
As far as I can remember, this drama is rated as 18+ because of the incest theme, mature issues, homosexual and countless four way pre-rape act done by both male actors (four way = the older bro to sis, the younger bro to sis, the older bro to younger bro, and the younger bro to the older bro. Yeah. Believe me.). But I'm 21 years old and I am a pervert, so I don't really care about it. Both guys were super sexy and super funny when they tried to rape each other. Kinda turned on while watching those two bros, rather than when the sis is involved. Haha.. Ah, he older brother, Han Jin (Chinese equivalent of Sumire) is played by a hunk named Jerry Huang.
I totally root for Han Kui and Bai He (and I am sure that 99.9% viewers and fans root for them too). Btw, in my opinion, Kui is the most pitiful guy in the history of drama and manga because the first woman he really loves is his own long-lost biological sister, Bai He and that explains the incest stuff. He also got tangled up by his homo feelings to Han Jin, and well, that explains the homosexual theme and stuff. In the end, Han Kui lost to his older brother, Han Jin. Tsk tsk tsk.
Joe Cheng as Han Kui (chinese equivalent of Aoi)
Aoi from Bara no Tameni
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