Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella

Bought this novel last week, and put my hands on it today.

And I couldn't stop reading it. :D

This novel is my bestest-unconditional-yet-randomest-choice of book, ever. PERIOD.

And while reading this, I was literally picturing every detail of the err- the cooking part (and literally salivating over foie grass with apricot glaze, orange-chocolate souffle with two homemade sorbet, Egg Benedict or whatever-freaking-Greek gourmet and I was fasting. C-RAPPP.)

And I shall say Sophie Kinsella is officially listed as one of my favorites. (Though I can't seem to register that the main character's name is Samantha- why Samantha, again?) The plot, is pretty interesting, however, too much fairytale thingy are going on and it made me "uh, it should be this way instead of that way" and "uh, so random...wth" .But I laughed my butt off because of the it lol.

Ah, and no steamy scenes! Perfect for teenagers, romance can be sensually depicted without any pornographic description! :D

I'll give Undomestic Goddess my 4/5 stars! :D

Bah! One down two to go!


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Alice C.

I fall, and stand up again.
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