Sunday, December 27, 2009

Tempt Me at Twilight by Lisa Kleypas

Hi folks. Another review on Lisa Kleypas' novel, Tempt Me at Twilight!

Tempt Me at Twilight is her latest book. I bought it on 24th (and it's my so-called personal Christmas present lol) and the disease of don't-really-want-to-finish-Ms-Kleypas'-novel-because-the-fear-of-nothing-to read-afterward strikes again. lol. But finally, I managed to finish this book....but with lethal disappointment. ( Sorry Ms Kleypas T_T)

Again, I don't want to spoil you guys but sorry, this time Ms Kleypas failed to dazzle me into Hathaway's world, as her previous works of 'Seduce Me at Sunrise' and 'Mine Till Midnight', which I found very captivating and irresistibly... absorbing. The interactions between the main leads, Harry Rutledge and Poppy Hathaway (lolled at their names, again, sorry Ms Kleypas) seems dull, and the attempts to make readers to fall in love with those two characters are..well they are not working for me. Harry is one complex hero, or should I say...a villain? and Poppy, the most conventional sister in Hathaway family. I felt sorry for the other character, the one who supposed to be the 'hero' (but he's super weak! lol) . And for the first time, I kind of skipped a little few pages, here and there because I felt they were not really necessary, to be included in the story. I hate to skip, but well I couldn't help it. However, there are few memorable lines and events that make this book worth to read. :)

I would say this book is not at her best (my all-time favorite is 'Devil in the Winter'), yet I don't really regret buying this one. :) My personal rating : 3.0/5


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Alice C.

I fall, and stand up again.
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